Thursday, December 31, 2020

King Of The Boo Crew Costume Halloween T Shirt

Start going down theseroads that the King Of The Boo Crew Costume Halloween T Shirt road the term road. Gonnabe a Bogaerts in Cincinnati I’ve seencountless concerts at Bogaerts inCincinnati and now we get to go talkabout minimalism at Bogaerts and I justfeel great about that so ColumbusCleveland come out and see us we’relooking forward to seeing you that’s theend of that first leg and then if you goto the minimalists calm slash tour youcan see we’re working on 28 potentialcities now these cities may change basedon venue availability but subscribe toour email list that way you can be thefirst to know about upcoming events sohere are some potential cities we mightcome to in August through December so wemight hit Canada Saskatoon EdmontonCalgary Vancouver Montreal Ottawa otherwas one of my favorites houseyeah me too how solid are we on thesecities that we might like if you give mea percentage well I mean for any we’redefinitely gonna be going to some ofthem the question is yeah I mean it’sjust hard to book a tour right and sothese are decisions were trying to bookright now if I had to guess of thesetwenty eight will. We get started we’re excited toannounce

Source: King Of The Boo Crew Costume Halloween T Shirt

King Of The Boo Crew Costume Halloween T Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women

King Of The Boo Crew Costume Halloween T Shirt
King Of The Boo Crew Costume Halloween T Shirt

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You really want to be a King Of The Boo Crew Costume Halloween T Shirt minimalistbut sometimes it’s just really hard toremember hey this is what’s important inmy life and not just what feels goodwhat distractions are you facing I meanthe usual twenty two year old things yougot friends you’ve got you know socialmedia all over the place just anythingthat keeps me from either writing orspending time with people yeah so so hasanybody seen we just started thisanimated series called simples thank youso it’s this animated series like wherewe just took some essays that Ryan and Iwrote and I did a quick voice over forthem and Elvin Hayes he he drew up thiswhole series but the first the firstepisode of that is called some day andthe sort of experiment in there is tomake a sort of to do list let’s take apiece of paper put a line down themiddle right on one side everything thatyou want to do some day or somethingyou’re eager to do another thing youcall it is what are your prioritiesright and then on the other side of thatthat piece of paper write downeverything that you’ve. That is a rareoccurrence usually when they sell outthey sell away in advance for examplelast year we did fifteen saidduring the documentary tour and Ibelieve 14 of those ended up selling outand they often sell out way in advanceso if you’re one of those people likeRyan who waits to the last minute to gethis tickets then you may show up andfind that there are no more tickets atleast in some cities that willdefinitely be the case Ryan and I havebeen bouncing all around out this monthit’s been it’s been a very focused monthnot busy we’ve said no to most things sowe can say yes to the most importantthings there was in fact a 24 hourperiod where we had set foot in all fourtime zones because we finished up thatfirst wave of the tour then we we weflew back home to Missoula Montana for anight and then we drove out to PullmanWashington have any of you ever been toPullman Washington before neither had Iwell until last week we we got theopportunity to speak to this group ofcollege kids and we showed up thinkingthere would be. Creek and it was terrifying buttalk about punctuating and otherwisenice
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