Wednesday, December 23, 2020

I'm Just A Happier Person When I'm With My Horse T-Shirt from

Butboth of whom wrote really great booksabout clearing mental clutter danHarris’s book is probably my favoritebook on the subject is it’s veryapproachable it’s uh it’s called Timperson happier and I think the subtitleis a I'm Just A Happier Person When I'm With My Horse T-Shirt from fidgety skeptics guide tomeditation or mindfulness or whateverbut it’s a whole sort of memoir and it’svery well really goodso Tim person happier is a great way towoohoo out of it man it absolutely doesyeah he has his good podcast as wellcalled also called 10 happier and thenSam Harris his book waking up he alsohas a podcast called waking up andanother thing that I would add in thereanother book that I would recommend tofolks is Rob Bell wrote a book calledhow to be here and it’s about what thetitle is yeah how do you be presentthere’s a guy who sent me this it’s themost ingenious idea so for the longest Inever wore a watch but ever since I’vebeen doing all these back exercises frommy back I need a timer so I have alittle eBay watch that I have here andthis guy sent sent me a link they’redoing. I won’t forgetthat’s for sure Wow my adrenalin stillfeels up. On theway down I started sliding and there’sobviously no guardrails

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World around us webuild an elementary school in 2015 wehelp the 52 victims of that horriblepulse nightclub shooting in Orlando lastyear and just last month we donated amajority of the profits from our firstfour lessons now tour stops to helpbuild an orphanage on the us mexicoborder and now here’s a I'm Just A Happier Person When I'm With My Horse T-Shirt from new way for youto help contribute to charity and itwon’t cost you a pennythroughout 2017 Ryan and I are going todonate ten dollars to charity in yourname for every iTunes review we receivethis month it means we’re starting themonth with twenty three hundred andthirty reviews on iTunes so every reviewon top of that means ten dollars goes tocharity and the charity we’ve chosenthis month is one of my favoritecharities it’s called the againstmalaria foundation which according togive wall org the against malariafoundation is currently the mosteffectivelife saving nonprofit in the world whatdo they do with the against malariafoundation let me ask you this did youknow that malaria is one of the leadingkillers of children in. I can do on line in a verynon traditional sense and I mean we havethis this in this infinite amount ofinformation that is at our literally atour fingertips right now whether it’s inour pocket or on our computer screen orwherever and instead we spend a lot oftime focusing on incessantly checkingour emails or or just getting caught inthe Bermuda Triangle of social media asopposed to using the technology toenhance our lives to improve our livesto learn and to grow and and and whatwe’re really talking about here witheducation is I want to grow as anindividual well why do you want to growit so you can contribute to the worldaround you and the more you grow themore you have to give and so does thatmean you have to go through atraditional education setting if youwant to I’m not saying there’s anythinginherently wrong with it I don’t see areason to do it forfor most vocations these days well Imean let’s yeah let’s go to to brainylike talk about her situationspecifically so the one of the firstthings that stood out to me she. Bike rides with mommy and sheloves going to stroller rides in thewinter or going for sleigh rides todaycare every morning and you know soit’s become a real family affairall right y’all that’s it for thisepisode if you have a question for theminimalists give us a call for zero sixtwo one nine seven eight three nine andif you leave here with just one messagewe hope it’s this love people and usethings because the opposite never worksthanks for listening y’all we’ll see younext timeevery little thing you think that’s meevery little thing you think that youneed every little thing that’s justfeeding your green oh I bet that you’dbe fine withoutevery little thing that you gotta hangevery little thing that you guys yougotta reach for and you got a grin oh Ibet that you’ll be fine without your teaevery little thing you think that’s meevery little thing you think that youneed every little thing that’s justfeeding your green you know I bet thatyou’ll be fine without a pre recording Ithink so are we liveyeah I hope so hey everybody
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