Friday, February 19, 2021

Demand Safe Schools We Love Our Students T-Shirt

Asked how we all got so if you have a Demand Safe Schools We Love Our Students T-Shirt share that’s enforcing this bullshit now you know what to do it is that voters ass out around on the next cycle and in the meantime you resist resist resist do not buy into the bullshit now remember this this this person right here this is the health secretary of Pennsylvania secretary of health of Pennsylvania and it called itself Dr Rachel Levine speaking to the press Dr Rachel Levine but Dr Rachel Levine is not a woman that is a fucking man so now you got Dennis Dennis is the same man whose mother was in a nursing home and moved his mother from a nursing home to another location before the governor signed the order to put covert patients in the nursing homes and begin killing off the okay media attack strong campaign is from PJ media and the article is dated August 11 media attack strong campaign lawyer for Ms Jen during Pennsylvania’s health secretary so let me get this straight was supposed to have a pandemic going on people are supposed to be dying this post beat. Of moderate or high social vulnerability and 22 are in the highest social vulnerability communities so that we can make sure the testing gets where it needs to be you just heard that that can be expanded thousands of sites and finally stage III which is very exciting coordinating with governors to support testing plants and rapid response programs over the past week a multidisciplinary team from the White House HHS FDA FEMA has met virtually with multidisciplinary teams from every state on Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia to understand what their testing aspirations are to make sure that we can meet those demands were to have another round of those calls this week but as we talked about earlier today we will be able to supply every state with the with the supplies and the task that they need that will dramatically increase the number of cats we’ve gone to this point just to give you an idea the supplies that we will be providing to states the minimum that were supplying to states is approximately double. Maintain a regular graduation requirement mandated completion of 200 and community so if they have and are ready make sure they obtain school equivalent diploma adult fell on top of that makes it a passenger cell have a complete water based graduation of this program the court would dismiss the case any spine be around Anselm came home that they implemented through several other districts throughout California and they may have even adopted in other places but is going to be on her path to see what she’s been working with leading up to her being in this position how good with CB and was one game that really started out to me but wow if you’ve never committed a crime those who were imprisoned in a lifestyle and have a combat out may be time be the steel people and what I love about this program is she Dave people is to do differently improved and fails water moving forward with and his record over there which is a beautiful pain I feel like honestly more money should go towards program for first time offenders

Source: Demand Safe Schools We Love Our Students T-Shirt

Demand Safe Schools We Love Our Students T-Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women

Demand Safe Schools We Love Our Students T-Shirt
Demand Safe Schools We Love Our Students T-Shirt

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C so good there’s only good things going onand I hope that your celebrating is welland enjoying the beautiful weather that’s coming to Minnesotaand all around the worldand it’s it’s no longer winter in America it’s it’s summer coming RA so they appear were getting ready to know the offeringand received copy I’d want to see the speaker boxes of hope you gave 25 000 just coming inand additionally all sorts of goodsand services were given we partner with other businesses multiplied the good that was done so thank you for doing thatand I want to say to our church family out there we how he was church family out there were here with our family were were missing Matt is okay we love you Macand but we can’t use church familyand we say thank you for being a Demand Safe Schools We Love Our Students T-Shirt part of our churchand out one of the ways that you see that were in is by givingand if you can’t no condemnation if you can’t we understand that things are tight we understandand you are giving is taken a dip but were adjusting our budget we want to say thank you for being part of the church being with usand being in your saying I’m in you can count on me so you can send text were tie the 94 000 you can also give onlineand I just want to say thank you for thatand for being a part of thatand giving being so generous with boxes of hope now I’m in have Dr I guess all the students can you pray for the titheand offering inand just a blessing on everybody’s family I just think you so much for my familyand I think very church familyand got a just pray a blessing got over giving this weekend learned that it would go to meet all the needs Lord I thank you for the provision the give us learn whether it on in good times are hard time so we thank you for just other things that we have God bless everyone how blessed offeringand in Jesus name Amen amen Christ is gone off in the’s only son isand in an a inand I willand inand inand in Jesusand all will rise as an inand inand in a way in happy Mother’s Day weekend on as we celebrate Mother’s Day I was saying earlier we have to sell me that way now we get toand I think is very important that we stop in the midst of the crazy world that were living inand celebrate the things that are important to us it doesn’t matter just because there is crisis in your life there are still milestones that should be celebrate think about your birthday this month we your birthday cards that celebrate so if your birthday is during this time your anniversaryand especially for mom’s for Mother’s Day we saw weddings to wedding actuation these are things this guy graduates a feeling some special treatment point we want to celebrate everyone right now today were celebrating mothersand I have in the studio with me today my lifeand you can see that but I want us to goand introduce a real help my mother Isabel with us we’ll talk about that in just a moment anniversary of Kirkand Kaylee grounds with usand we only needed Kaylee but I said we want Kirk to come in color Yes he’s preaching next week yes so I said I’m going removable so we do this this week he’s preaching will do announcementsand the preaching RA is ready so hard to address the obvious honesty were spaced out your mom’s hereand am I just I want to talk about this mom because you have been doing tons of following the rules but you been meeting with family we declared family is inand on just talk about your isolating or living what it’s been like right now as momand your kids are there in your grandkids you sorry it’s been horribleand even just being around people here is very emotional for me know because I don’t I’m sure I’d love to have people who I have club at churchand and I’m by myselfand people can come I am way even make me a dinnerand things like that but it’s not the same thingand I have told her I if this goes again I’m moving into his house is on record your houseand then talk about this report because I know that there’s mixed feelings about thisand this is not about COBIT this is about Mother’s Day but speaking a mom right now you know you you said you know where you’re going your life I know what I believeand I know the reality of this will be cardsand all this but just talk about product passion gather I think it’s the faith component you know that I don’t have to worry in so that’s what’s frustrating is that I have to sit in the house with a bunch of other people are worried you know I’m not worried I know you said you are you know 11 years oldand have surgery if I live I know where I’m going I’m okay with that I die I know where I’m goingand I’m okay with thatand now I feel I don’t want to live in prison you know I don’t want to live in my apartmentand have no human contact you not what God intendedand I know there’s a lot of people have pre existing conditions that are high the risk score in long term care note again we think you cope me we think you had you as you are so say you actually meditation that they there you’ll giving to people so we think you had moms here because she’s like I’m in a changingand I’m in is an amazing momand she’s in loveand also because tight is chapter 2 verses three through five talks about the older women should teach what is goodand they convert the younger women to love their husbandsand children to be solved controlled pure to be busy at home to be kind to be subject to their husbands so that no one will line the word of Godand so I said mom you’re here to be the oldest woman so that I not feel this woman all so I the ladies to help me with the sermonand this is just the willingness mothersand so I asked them to talk about women in crisisand by the way women stepped up in crisis each of them to do thatand the first before she does the me to see women in crisis in World War II women stepped up when men were sent out the war the women stepped up they ran everything they stepped in Sojourner Truth was the first black woman to Sewall weightmanand get her son back was sold in the slaveryand and just went as an student as a preacher of the gospel so she stood on I think about your atoms raised by kids one was a future president she ran arm she did not mean women step up this quote literals no one said a woman is like a TV you can you can tell how strong she is until you put her in hot waterand drop their owner of so I had a lady that was in hot waterand then bring today is about a lady that was in a crisis in hot water yet so I took a bad which when Moses his motherand she obviously was a very strong woman because she had to give up Moses were killing the babies under two years old so she went inand had Moses hidden in a basketand put in the waterand that was a really brave thing for her to do and what I love about that story is that Mr Miriam was watching while he was in the basketand she made sure that she was taking care of our comes down to find them in the basketand then Miriam for someone in person for you socially story is that Job bad it was obedient to God most being killed growing up in the palace only use themand enjoy the bed she has so many meet amazing quality she raised three Emmy Miriam Aaronand Moses raised all refrigerator so it’s a great story of being creativeand she had to be creative as a mother to the firstand you know put them in anand look what I did with that so I love the story of Joe combatand I just can’t imagine giving up you know your three month oldand not Kaylee I know you you dealt with infertility for bedand just imagine that you’re waiting for baby alongand that she was super strong woman is createdand she trusted God to take care of her signing dead he didn’t amazing sheet you talked about she gave them that I let me deflect this over to mom for a second yeahand happy Mother’s Day mom happy Mother’s Day when you know every other security but mom talk about giving up your child to the Lord like you to say they’re yours I mean I don’t we did child education with Connor Logan were like we truly gave our children but’s for a moment there was a time we can’t say the same year he was sevenand I was 31and I have been saved maybe for five yearsand I went to a conferenceand the woman that was speaking said were going to get our children up to Godand working to pray in a circleand I know that can happen I’m not doing I squeeze when he talked to themand what I know Ben is that God resisting cohort of knowledge which the speaker had an after was all she said there are people that did not give their children over to Godand I might make it she said you’re keeping God’s blessing from the role will will wait a minute I’m not sure she sent an hour to stand up again were going to do it againand I’m calling because it’s still easy to I have to do it but it was not easy giving my children over the especially because many of you maybe don’t know David powder for some of these children were my letting me have not even got till he spokeand said no you keep keeping my hand blessing off toand so okay so joke a better way to start us out were already crying we give her kids overlearning is hard to see how it we have to trust with that he loved them even when the meeting he had them handling so not mean that we all have to do with his release our kids over to the Lord Kaylee smart ladies we is for the Israelites in theand she is a GISand thatand so she worked no moreand she here in today’s deliveryand is Barack with the Army leaderand she said her goaland he went out on herand said I’m only on yourand she said understand that having no glory for youand he goand get you where all the moment where she here is not storyand he is approachingand we are only she lawyer with the victory over there for the Lord that’s a good word for moms right now or in time for someone to keep your children they were wearing never one worker had gone before you away whenever the battle in every where in the Kenai everything you been there to say things halfway Hill for the for the person listening out there that’s having difficulty in praying for deliverance freedom provision or healing whatever may be God doesn’t do halfway things every single warrior that came against Israelite army was defeated was killed except the leader of the story the use of assets or maybe he was a armyand he’s sprinting awayand he sprints up to seven on November school she’s onand the story is in their office were runs to the other woman’s 10 55 is a woman is JLand he’s like I let light let meand she says wanted to worryand aces on Thursday so I don’t know the last glass of milk glass of milk digital blanket Cicero takes a nap after his whole armies fueled takes a nap in JL secretly why sleep in this is the buyer you 421 Israel jail takes a 10 pay in a hammerand hammers attend breakthrough Cicero’s head into my thought like once it’s through into the ground defeating not only everywhere also the leader of the Army Ciceroand now is marking the freedom for God’s people at that moment Deborah led them into so great I think of two things I saw speak to people that listen to your wife listen to the women in your life they have the discernmentand ability to speak truth to youand then secondly I see you guys this is so strong be a be a couple together in a couple together there was anything behind every good man there’s a great moment in ourand when you when you are getting ready to hire me this nine years now almost 10 years ago we were datingand in getting to the point of I told you I’m planning to proposeand he said listen we want to hire you but if you don’t propose you don’t do that you don’t have to Mary Kate this is the great great lady stuff our mom lady in a tough time stepping up I get to talk about Estherand Rocky this me because she was a rule breaker I don’t know why he teases me about zero Iand I to rise it like that she got told that you need to figure peopleand she just ran right into the Kingand told him thisand they were alland that is true she got told about she thought about it she found she probably thinking 50 50 chance of dying both ways either di K or I die because they throw me back Esther 416 like it was against the rules go into the change I see them at risk everything rightand so she will to this article comes back pages of the logo talk you know if you don’t do it you know how you feel when your people are all dead your cell allyand so by this time she says okay we’ve got fastand pray so she has her peopleand herself their fastingand praying which is not because makes a real real knowing God tells me to do something I don’t jump all the time I have to fasten have to think about itand she got to the point where her was stronger than her fear yeah yeahand that’s where we have to be right now today our faith has to be stronger than our fear as she said if I die I pretty much what I said you know if you know where going for a happy so she didn’t her people were sayingand you look at herand think I could never do thatand I tell you eachand every woman can do As you’re not doing it because of your own ability don’t kid yourself she knew about her own ability she knew she did people were prayingand fasting yet so if you’re hurting if you’re suffering if you need prayer for goodness sake people you know tell people that you need prayer tell people that you need people fasting for you eachand every woman have that ability inside of her no matter what’s happening in your life you have that ability is so good I think were stronger than we think we we can do more damageand he’s our strength in the Lordand so even in this time when it’s like we don’t know what happening we don’t know how we can do another day of distance learningand taking more real thanand we can get through this because if you I think women’s Road actions need to be celebratedand I celebrate ladies in the Bibleand I celebrate these ladies here with us nowand I’m ask you to pray a blessing on all the momsand this will pray that no one speak everyone after she does that I do want to see this if you’re wanting prayer we everything you could text prayer teams to 94 000 prayer teams the 94 000 prayer for this or anything you’re facing your prayer teams available around the clock know during the servicesand then also at the end of this there be purchase agreement pray for thinking so much for all the moms out there I think you know that want to be my Lord I pray for those that are dealing with infertility God that you made on just being with themand comfort themand bring them the children that their longing for I thank you for my momand all the month out there that have brought up childrenand I just pay a blessing over them today and you bless them would you encourage themand strengthen them today. Have the capacity a lot now I have not shutting down a but there are look the need standards the standard is if you have a reproduction rate in the community that’s above a certain level everybody says slow up more social distancing do not open bars and do not open gymnasiums do not open to see get this under control and more control but when you do open give the people the capacity to be able open and have the capacity to do it safely for example schools schools they need a lot of money developing they needed to do a ventilation system they need to do a smaller classes for teachers more pods and evictions to support that money are laced up to now have to respond by my I can appreciate that the quality this is to combat shutdowns but forget about him his Democrat governors Cuomo in New York you look at what’s going on in California look at Pennsylvania and North Carolina Democrats Democrats all their shut down so tight and then dying and dying and he supports all these people will only talks about a shutdowns. Panting something else to like this phone was a Taser lot a buddy Taser and my aunt yet one that looked exactly like it I know it anyway Sam interrupted we were all just in shock and listened as they went on to describe how the nice old fella we thought we were dealing with turned out not to be so nice or so old it all Corky told us his since he had gotten them into the back pantry he’d risen up from behind all hunched over and started to move a bit more liberally which is right when Corky said he’d started to get the creeps realizing that something wasn’t right about the bloke the old bloke pointed at the cupboard with a suites where told salmon Corky to help themselves and sort of disappeared after telling them that he be back in a minute the cupboard was apparently so high up that Sam had to give Corky Abu stopped actually open it and when they did actually open it there was nothing inside it all know soup no suites no nothing then the next thing they knew the fella was blocking the exit to the pantry holding
See Other related products: Angel Wing You Matter Awareness Colorful T-Shirt

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