Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Everything Will Be Just Fine As Long As There Are Scottish Terriers And Wine T-Shirt

The team of doctors over aand work with the team of doctors over anourish balanced thrive and bTW I thinkwe’ve put a Everything Will Be Just Fine As Long As There Are Scottish Terriers And Wine T-Shirt link to them in the shownotes they have a great Chris has agreat podcast too I mean if you if youhave health issues he has helped over700 people many of whom are athletesChris Kelly is his name ChristopherKelly nourish balance thrive is hispractice and so I’ve been he haven’tworked with him and his team nurses anddoctors and food scientists to toretrain my gut but we’re getting thereand so in the meantime I’m going I’mtaking this you know one day at a timeand it’s my healing process of reallyworking through it and I’m gonna work mybutt off to make sure that I do heal soI can be the best version of myself formy friends for my family for the peoplethat we can help on the road for ouraudience in general I want to be thebest version of myself and right now Iam the best version that I can be rightnow so we’ll continue to give youupdates I am looking forward to gettingback to basics next year because it’sgonna give. It’s okay to disconnect sothat we can move on yeah I think the keytakeaway here for Jeff is to askyourself that question with eachplatform that is stressing you out theones that you brought up on thevoicemail you know is snapchat is areally adding value or is it more of anephemeral ephemeral way of pacifyingyourself that’s something that I wouldask with each application in fact that’swhat Josh and I do I mean we haveGoogle we have Pinterest we haveTwitter and Facebook we have a lot ofhelp managing that I shouldn’t say a lotof help we a little bit of help managingthose accounts just does an awesome jobwith that but we did pick thoseplatforms very specifically we don’thave a tumblr page that we keep up withwe don’t have an app chat chat what arethe kids doing these days yeah sothere’s a lot of stuff that we avoidedspecifically because we felt like theseclasswe had it reached the broadest audienceand we felt like we could not only getthe most value of it but add the mostvalue with it as well all right and thenext. That snowy outand so we got up just fine but

Source: Everything Will Be Just Fine As Long As There Are Scottish Terriers And Wine T-Shirt

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Is like everything drives a Everything Will Be Just Fine As Long As There Are Scottish Terriers And Wine T-Shirt crazybut we had to use. Ofmy friends has to get me a babysitterand that runs really expensivelyso one of the things that I am doing forher and her husband for this Christmasis I am buying them tickets to go see ashow but then also including with it alittle coupon for one free night asbabies today I know both of their sonsand they’re super cool and he’s fun tohang out with and they trust me so itwould be able to get them out of thehouse and also they can have faith in methat things are going to go well at homeas well hi my name is Susan I’m aworking mom in Havertown Pennsylvaniaand I have twin three year old boys andI have a great tip that’s worked out interms of sharing minimalist ideologieswith my children I’m sure that I knowone of you has a little kid in your lifeand they grow so quickly out of toys andthere’s just as a commune relation ofjunk and instead of telling them ohwhere there’s kids that you know reallyneed these toys which I don’t think it’sgreat to talk about guilt and privilegewith toddlers will say oh you’ve reallygrown. Last thing is whenyou’re shopping if you are doing somesome
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